about my education journey

category EdTech


Blue and Yellow Educate Kids Charity Infographic (I tried to create infographic for our app review. ) This is a multiliterate tool as it shows the product of motivation through a medium other than schoolwork. Students can keep track of… Continue Reading →

[Reflection #2] Media & Education

This week, Jesse Miller joined our meeting for EDCI 336 and showed some cases the people had faced online. As the meeting ended, I visited his website to learn about his idea furthermore. As a teacher candidate who believes that… Continue Reading →

[Reflection #1] Being A Student In 2020

My first week of the PDP program so far has been an overwhelming experience. I have learned about multiliteracies, cross-curricular lessons, the psychology of adolescents, teaching science to students, and lots of new websites and apps to use in class…. Continue Reading →

Welcome and Introduction

Before proceeding with this first blog post, we expect you to consider your privacy preferences carefully and that you have considered the following options: Do you want to be online vs. offline? Do you want to use your name (or… Continue Reading →

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