Hailey's Education Blog ☺︎

about my education journey

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#photography Part. 4 — Focusing

Learning about how to set the focal point gives depth to the picture. Even though the outcome of the photography is 2 dimensional, you can create a lively picture by putting depth inside. One of the simple ways is to… Continue Reading →

[Reflection #4] Online — Pros vs. Cons

(Picture 1. https://leverageedu.com/blog/online-learning/) Last class, Valerie gave a great introduction to open our view about online classes. Before COVID-19 happened, I experienced taking online classes only once in my entire life. It was a recorded video of this professor giving… Continue Reading →

#photography Part. 3 – Night View

In taking pictures, light plays a huge role. For instance, I usually took pictures in the daytime in order to have clear and vivid colorings and to capture the mood of freshness. Most of the pictures for events such as… Continue Reading →

[Reflection #3] Multi-Media

Last class in EDCI 336, we have discussed apps that we can use for editing sounds and video clips. Also, we were introduced to some programs that we can use to record our screen. Whenever I faced an issue related to the… Continue Reading →

#photography Part. 2 — Media Tour

This week, I tried to apply what I have learned from the YouTube video last week about “ISO”. “ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization — an organization that sets international standards for all different kinds of measurements. But, when in… Continue Reading →

[Reflection #2] Media & Education

This week, Jesse Miller joined our meeting for EDCI 336 and showed some cases the people had faced online. As the meeting ended, I visited his website to learn about his idea furthermore. As a teacher candidate who believes that… Continue Reading →

[Reflection #1] Being A Student In 2020

My first week of the PDP program so far has been an overwhelming experience. I have learned about multiliteracies, cross-curricular lessons, the psychology of adolescents, teaching science to students, and lots of new websites and apps to use in class…. Continue Reading →

Welcome and Introduction

Before proceeding with this first blog post, we expect you to consider your privacy preferences carefully and that you have considered the following options: Do you want to be online vs. offline? Do you want to use your name (or… Continue Reading →

EdTech Inquiry

This is where Assignment 3: Educational Technology Guided Resource Development will be presented when complete.

My Free Inquiry Project – #photography Part. 1

Photography is one of the essential parts of our life where we use it for various reasons. Most of the time, people tend to take pictures to save moments. When we are with our family, friends, colleagues, we tend to… Continue Reading →

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